10 Tips To Replace Nutrients Lost Due To Food Allergies

Recent studies have revealed that children with food allergies have been found to be smaller than children without food allergies. Studies also show that children who are allergic to more than two foods were smaller than children who were only allergic to one or two foods.

When removing certain foods from your child's diet, it is important to replace those nutrients with other food choices, so your child's nutritional needs are met. It may not be possible to make sure that each meal is balanced. Instead, add a variety of foods during the day to balance out your child’s diet.

Here are 10 suggestions to ensure that your child eats a balanced diet:

1️⃣ First, focus on all the foods your child CAN eat by making food lists. It’s amazing to see how many foods your child can eat when you use this approach.

2️⃣ Separate the foods listed into meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks), then into food groups.

3️⃣ At each meal, choose a food from each group to obtain a good balance of nutrients.

4️⃣ Highlight the favorite foods with a highlighter on your list.

5️⃣ Add some unusual foods or foods from other countries to the list for more variety.

6️⃣ Your whole family can participate in the “favorite food” activity by printing initials next to the favorite foods instead of highlighting them.

7️⃣ Check the pantry and refrigerator to see how many of the “can eat” and “favorite foods” are in your house.

8️⃣ Make a shopping list for foods so all of the foods for each meal are available to achieve a good balance in the diet.

9️⃣ Always read the nutrition labels to make sure you include important nutrients in your child’s diet when you're avoiding allergens.

🔟 Be ready to discuss your child’s food intake at each visit with the allergist. They will not only provide guidance on foods to avoid but will also tell you what foods to add or include when managing a restricted diet.

REMEMBER: You should only make dietary changes under medical guidance.

Source: https://kidswithfoodallergies.org/recipes-diet/nutrition-and-health/replacing-lost-nutrients/

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.


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