Red Sneakers for
Food Allergy Awareness




With food allergies on the rise, and a lack of support across the country, food allergy families Kevin/Lindsey Spangler and Chris/Megan Horan of Peoria, IL came together to start Allergy Awareness for Children Everywhere (AACE Peoria) a FARE-recognized food allergy support group.

Their group’s mission of providing lifesaving food allergy support, education, advocacy, and research to the community has led them to collaborate with Red Sneakers for Oakley (RSFO).

RSFO’s focus is saving lives through educating and advocating for individuals with food allergies. The similar missions and the desire to organize other fragmented groups across the country sparked the collaboration. The group centered in Peoria Heights, IL is the first Red Sneakers for Oakley Chapter in the country.

  • Kevin, Lindsey and Naomi. Kevin is a Chiropractor and Nurse Practitioner in Urgent Care and Lindsey is a Nurse Practitioner in Urgent Care. Their daughter, Naomi, has severe food allergies to mustard seed, eggs, shellfish and strawberries.

    Lindsey is CPR and First Aid certified which include food allergies education by the American Heart Association. Lindsey is also the Peoria school district Food Allergy Liaison.

  • Chris, Megan, Brody and Dylan. Chris is an architect and Megan is an accountant. Their son, Brody, has severe food allergies to peanuts and possibly oats.


To aid, and empower parents of children with allergies, as well as the child themselves, to go about their daily lives without hesitation through support, research, education and advocacy.


Provide support so that parents and children with allergies, are educated regarding their allergy symptoms, and how to respond accordingly to avoid severe life-threatening outcomes.

Educate allergic individuals on the importance of carrying TWO epinephrine auto-injectors everywhere they go.


  • We provide food allergy education to local schools with hands-on epi training and education about signs/symptoms of an allergic reaction. All staff receive a certificate of completion through FARECheck. We also make sure that all schools are equipped with epinephrine. 

  • We donate allergy-free foods to local pantries.

  • We provide local restaurants with EpiPens and education

  • We’ve partnered with Clink Bar & Events to make them the First Allergy-Friendly restaurant in the Peoria area. We provide food allergy guidance and protocols/procedures and we’ve equipped the restaurant with epinephrine. In addition to the Chef being ServeSafe Allergen trained, all employees are FARECheck trained and have received a certificate of completion. They are also CPR-certified by the American Heart Association.

    Would you like Food Allergy Education & Training for your school or restaurant? Would you like to be equipped with epinephrine? If so, please email


  • Continuing food allergy advocacy in our local area & nationally

  • Implementing food allergy menus in local schools

  • Allergy safe zones in sporting events

  • Allergy safe camps

  • Allergy safe signs at local parks/playgrounds

Red Sneakers for Food Allergy Awareness Walk/Run allows us to educate, spread awareness, and come together as an allergy community. The event includes Teal Pumpkin activities and education to help create allergy awareness and make the event family-friendly.

The walk/run and teal pumpkin festival is our largest annual event that will continue to sustain allergy awareness, education, research, advocacy and support in our community. Outcomes of this event will be a larger allergy community, robust sustainable support group, and bridged allergy education gaps at the school and healthcare, underserved and community.

Wear your red sneakers and post pictures of yourself to our social media to qualify for raffle prizes. Posts should be at our partners, at other races, at our race and throughout Peoria area. Posting at each location qualifies for additional entries.

So put on your red sneakers come get your teal pumpkins and help us raise money for food allergy awareness.

Red Sneakers Peoria 5K & Teal Pumpkin Festival | Oct 11, 2025


2023 Hometown Heroes 5K Walk/Run and Teal Pumpkin Fall Festival for Food Allergies

2023 Hometown Heroes 5K Walk/Run and Teal Pumpkin Fall Festival for Food Allergies

The 2023 Hometown Heroes Walk/Run allowed us to educate, spread awareness, and come together as an allergy community. The event included Teal Pumpkin activities and education to help create allergy awareness and make the event family-friendly.

We also held participated in the Morton Pumpkin Festival by holding educational activities and Teal Pumpkin events.

These two activities helped us gain exposure to the majority of the nearly 70,000 participants of the annual event. We plan for the walk/run and teal pumpkin festival to be our large annual event that will continue to sustain allergy awareness, education and support in our community. The outcome of this event was a larger allergy community, robust sustainable support group, and bridged allergy education gaps at the school and healthcare, underserved and community.

Click here to see how we made a difference this year with the Teal Pumpkin Project!

Bringing Food Allergy Awareness to Good Day Central Illinois

Lindsey Spangler was featured as a guest on Good Day Central Illinois to discuss food allergies, how to recognize them and how to treat an allergic reaction.

Lindsey was also featured on WMBD News This Morning to discuss the prevalence of food allergies and talk about cooking without using certain allergens. Click here to watch!