Food Allergy Hero of the Month: Jordan Moore

Meet Jordan Moore: a sophomore political science major at Mississippi State University, food allergy club founder, and Red Sneaker Ambassador.

Jordan founded Hail State Food Allergies (HSFA) on her campus after seeing a need for students who suffer from food allergies and intolerances. This community not only creates a safe space for students with food allergies but also serves as a form of advocacy. Although the club is geared towards students with food allergies, the club is for everyone. "It does not hurt to be an ally to your friends with allergies and learn about it … it is for everybody."

Jordan has shared her struggles finding food allergy friendly foods on her MSU campus. She shared there are numerous social events on campus that include food she and many others cannot eat. "Why would I want to come and watch everyone eat something that I cannot have?" Even the designated places on campus for dietary restrictions and food allergy-conscious options have failed to provide safe food for the students on campus.

HSFA serves as a community for those with the same struggles to come together and advocate for one another. Jordan said asking for accommodations in restaurants or dining halls can be quite daunting, so a community that normalizes food allergies allows students to be more confident in speaking up for themselves. Jordan wants the club to be a place where students can share their experiences with dining halls and food services, and they teach other members where they can get food that is safe for them to eat. In the same way, members can also warn other students about food options that claim to be clean but are not.

Jordan has teamed up with Red Sneakers for Oakley to spread food allergy awareness on her campus! Jordan's bravery and advocacy on her campus is truly inspiring. As those with food allergies may have experienced, there is still so much work to be done on college and university campuses in order to provide a safe environment for everyone. Thank you, Jordan, for all that you are doing!

Read more about Jordan’s club here


How to Participate in Food Allergy Awareness Month


Detective Harley, F.A.D.D. (Food Allergen Detection Dog)