Managing Allergens in the Workplace

Are your co-workers knowledgeable about your food allergy or do you wish they were better educated? To ensure an allergy-safe work environment, everyone in the office needs to make an effort.

Here are a few tips:

1️⃣ Give your colleagues specific information about your allergy and train them to recognize the signs of an allergic reaction.

2️⃣ Tell colleagues where you keep your epinephrine auto-injectors and what to do in the event of an emergency.

3️⃣ Ensure that your workspace is regularly cleared and cleaned, so that it is not harboring any allergens that you may react to.

4️⃣ Inform colleagues how they can help prevent allergic reactions, and how they can help you manage your allergies, such as consulting you before they plan a lunch or an event where food will be involved.

5️⃣ Ask colleagues to label all food that they bring into the workplace and to not eat allergens in your immediate workspace.

If, despite the above, a severe reaction takes place, follow these steps:

👉 As soon as anaphylaxis is suspected, an epinephrine injection must be administered. Then call 911. Give clear and precise directions to the operator.

👉 Make a note of the time the epinephrine was given. If there is no improvement, a second dose can be given after 5 minutes.

👉 Try to ascertain what food or substance caused the reaction and ensure the ambulance crew knows this.


Food Allergy Hero of the Month: Rebecca Wachen


Chocolate Wacky Cake: Dairy, Egg & Nut Free (Optional Frosting CONTAINS DAIRY)