5 Tips for Traveling Abroad With Food Allergies

Don’t let food allergies get in the way of your vacation abroad. Check out these 5 handy tips and tricks!

1️⃣ Download apps that’ll help you research the dining options ahead of time. Diet-specific websites share a lot of information that can be helpful in tackling dietary restrictions when traveling. We love @spokininc!

2️⃣ Always carry photos of the foods you need to avoid. You can show local people pictures of foods you are allergic to that have a cross marked on them. Keep the photos on your phone if it is easy that way.

3️⃣ Laminated (or digital) cards with allergy information in the local language are an easy and travel-friendly way to communicate. In countries where food allergies are not as common, you can add the statement that allergy can be fatal. We love @equal_eats Allergy ID & Translation Cards.

5️⃣ Consider buying travel insurance that includes medical coverage. Knowing you have access to medical care can be a stress reliever.

We hope this list will help you face the daunting challenge of journeying to areas with language barriers so you don't have to worry about your food allergies or dietary restrictions.

source: huffpost.com/entry/how-to-travel-with-dietary-restrictions_l_624758b1e4b098174500f87e/amp

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.


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