Avoid These Allergens In Candies for a Safe Halloween

Let the ghosts be scary this Halloween, not the sweets!

Confirming if the candy is made in an allergy-friendly facility and reading every label can help you avoid major scares. Now here's what can get tricky even after you've done the label check.

The American Academy of Pediatrics says that even if you've read the ingredient lists and labels on the candies before letting your kid dig in, you should also be aware that even if they are not listed on the ingredient label, candies can contain trace amounts of allergens if factories produce multiple products.

And the same goes for those “fun size” candies. They may be made on different equipment than their regular size counterpart, and this means that brands your child previously ate without problems could cause a reaction.

One of the ways to help out kids with food allergies is to place a teal pumpkin outside your home to let families know that you’re also offering non-food treats. Also, whenever in doubt, check the company website or reach out directly to confirm the presence of any allergen.

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.


Don’t Let Pumpkin Allergy Ruin Your Halloween Festivities


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