Does Your Straw Contain Allergens?

Plastic straws continue to be replaced by biodegradable/compostable straws. Great news, right? Well, not so fast (if you’ve got food allergies).

🌽 Eco-friendly straws can be made from CORN plastic called Ingeo.

🌾 Another common ingredient being used is WHEAT. Some straws are even made out of pasta!

🦞 And, then there are straws made of LOBSTER SHELLS.

🍌 Other plant-based products being used to manufacture straws are actual straw, papaya leaf stems, bamboo, rice, and even banana peels.

Here are some tips if you have food allergies:

1️⃣ Refuse a straw when you’re dining out.

2️⃣ Ask for a paper straw, if available. Paper straws may not be particularly practical, but, they are much friendlier to the environment than plastic straws.

3️⃣ Bring your own reusable straw. Sustainable alternatives include bamboo (unless you have a bamboo allergy), metal (unless you have a metal allergy), or silicone straws (unless you have a silicone allergy). Glass straws are also a good alternative to use at home.

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.

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