Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Danielle and Maya Peles

Red Sneaker Days provides a “day” when everyone wears their red sneakers/shoes (or anything red) and participates together to raise awareness for the dangers of food allergies. The goal is not only to increase education and awareness to the communities of those suffering with food allergies, but just as importantly, to educate those who are not directly affected by them.

Sisters, Danielle and Maya, are Red Sneaker Ambassadors in Delray Beach, Florida. Danielle and Maya are extremely active and engaged in food allergy advocacy year round. The RSFO Team is so grateful for their dedication to food allergy awareness and for their support of RSFO!

“We have met with the directors of Camp Wekeela to share about RSFO’s initiative and the importance of food allergy awareness. They held a RSFO food allergy awareness day during the summer. The leaders in training went to every bunk to talk about allergy awareness and how to use an epi pen. Then they asked the whole camp to wear red. Over 400 children and staff are more educated and aware about food allergies and RSFO. We couldn’t be more proud to support you and bring awareness to food allergies.”

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.

Fish Allergy Complications


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