Uncovering Corn On Food Labels

Corn is hidden in SO MANY products. You cannot just look for the word “corn” when checking food labels because corn can be found in many different products. Here is some corn lingo to help you identify corn on food labels:

  • corn syrup

  • high fructose corn syrup

  • fructose

  • maltodextrin, dextrin

  • dextrose

  • glucose

  • malt, malt syrup, malt extract

  • excipients: a binder in pills

  • GDL (glucona delta lactone) often found in cured meats

  • mono-glycerides, di-glycerides

  • MSG (mono-sodium glutamate) is often derived from corn

  • sorbitol

  • sugar: if it doesn’t say beet (which is mainly GMO now), or cane

  • corn starch, starch, modified food starch

  • sucrose: though this used to be from cane sugar, some labels have been found to read “from corn”

  • caramel flavoring or coloring: though it can be made from cane or GMO beet sugar, it is often made from corn syrup

  • vegetable oil, vegetable broth, vegetable protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, vegetable mono or di-glycerides.

  • xanthan gum: a thickener often grown in corn media

  • zein: a fiber made from corn

  • and others…

Source: https://simplelifemom.com/corn-on-food-labels-2/

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.


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