What Is Oral Allergy Syndrome?

Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) is a common food-related allergic condition that develops in adults. OAS is connected to environmental allergies, such as hay fever. This is also referred to as Pollen-Food Syndrome.

OAS occurs when certain proteins found in pollen from trees like birch are structurally similar to proteins found in some fruits, such as cherries. When someone with a birch pollen allergy consumes cherries, their immune system may mistakenly identify the fruit proteins as similar to the pollen proteins. Certain fresh fruits, nuts, and vegetables can trigger an allergic reaction in the mouth and throat because of proteins with a similar structure to pollen.

OAS is not a one-size-fits-all condition. Different foods can trigger different people such as:

  • bananas

  • cherries

  • oranges

  • apples

  • peaches

  • tomatoes

  • cucumbers

  • zucchinis

  • bell peppers

  • sunflower seeds

  • carrots

  • fresh herbs, such as parsley or cilantro

The specific fruits that trigger OAS can vary from person to person, even among those with birch pollen allergies. Some individuals with birch pollen allergies may experience OAS when consuming cherries, while others may not.

Also, the severity of OAS symptoms can vary.

If you suspect potential cross-reactivity with cherries or other fruits, it's best to consult an allergist.

Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/kids-food-allergies#takeaway

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.


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