What Is the Triple Check?

Reading every label every time is extremely important when managing food allergies. Even if you’ve safely eaten a product a hundred times before. Why do you need to read EVERY label EVERY time?

👉 Food companies often change ingredients without telling consumers.
👉 Food allergens may be present in places you don’t normally expect.

And that is why we always do the “Triple Check.”

Read labels:
1️⃣ Once at the store before buying the product.
2️⃣ Once when you get home and put it away.
3️⃣ Again before you serve or eat the product.

Remember: read the label before eating/serving ANY food even if it has been “safe” in the past. Also, be sure to check for “May Contain” and “Produced in a Facility” statements on your food products.

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.


There Is No Such Thing As “Allergen-Free”


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