Food Allergy Hero of the Month

Our FOOD ALLERGY HERO of the month is Adel (Delly)! She works hard to raise awareness about food allergies and she advocates for food allergy research and education.

And we're not just saying that. Delly is out there GETTING. STUFF. DONE.

Her accomplishments speak for themselves…

  • 2018 FARE Teen Vision Award Winner

  • 7 years of hosting Teal Pumpkin events in her community

  • Dozens of awareness events, school and workplace speeches

  • Dozens of TV appearances to spread awareness

  • Meetings with her Congressman, Mike Gallagher and with Senators Baldwin and Johnson’s staff on the FASTER Act. Gallagher and Baldwin both cosponsored both versions of the bill.

  • Represented FARE at the 2015 signing of the Stock Epinephrine bill with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

  • Raised over $40,000 for FARE

  • Member of FARE’s Teen Advisory Group

AND she always wears her #RedSneakersforOakley to help raise awareness.

Hit that like button to show Delly some appreciation -- and follow her page, Team Delly!


Allergy-Safe Tips for Trick-or-Treating


4 Ways To Be Food-Allergy Safe On A Picnic