Did You Know These Food Allergy Facts?

  • Antihistamines and asthma medications CANNOT be used to treat anaphylaxis. Epinephrine is the ONLY first-line medication for anaphylaxis.

  • About 40 percent of children with food allergies have multiple food allergies (more than one food to which they’re allergic).

  • #AlwaysCarryTwo means ALWAYS have at least 2 auto-injectors on you at ALL times; 35% of people may require a second epinephrine injection during an anaphylactic reaction.

  • Food allergies can develop in childhood or adulthood; One in 10 adults have a food allergy.

  • The severity of a person’s future allergic reactions can NOT be predicted from previous reactions.

  • You should lie down with your legs elevated when experiencing a severe reaction and administering epinephrine, AND remain lying down, especially after the administration of epinephrine.

  • Virtually any food can cause an allergic reaction (allergy to 180 foods have been documented)

  • It is possible for children to outgrow an allergy.

  • Even a very small amount of the problem food is enough to cause a reaction.

  • What caused a mild reaction in the past may lead to a severe reaction in the future, and vice versa.

  • Cooking food in high heat does not destroy food allergens.

  • Peanuts are NOT nuts, they are legumes.

  • Nut oils are particularly common in cosmetics and many times they are listed by their scientific names. (ie: Arachis oil is peanut oil)

  • Tiger nuts are not actually nuts, but root tuber.

  • Food allergies and food intolerances are not the same thing.

  • Toothpaste may contain recaldent, an ingredient derived from milk protein.

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.


Food Allergy Hero of the Month: Hemali Gauri


Teach Teal: Food Allergy Awareness Curriculum