Teach Teal: Food Allergy Awareness Curriculum

Red Sneaker Ambassador, Noelle Nelson, has created a food allergy awareness curriculum for teaching fourth and fifth graders about food allergies called Teach Teal.

The goal of Teach Teal: Food Allergy Awareness is to teach fourth grade students all about food allergies in just three days, including what food allergies are, the top nine allergens, allergic reactions, food allergy bullying, media misrepresentation of food allergies and more. In addition to this information, students also learn about empathy, compassion, and respect throughout this program. Teach Teal is a result of Noelle’s Girl Scout Gold Award Project and includes a Teacher's Guide Book, lesson plans, a Student Textbook, activities, games, worksheets, certificates of completion, and mor

“As a part of my project, I shared my curriculum with my non-profit community partner school. The students loved all of the fun activities and they especially enjoyed hearing stories about other students with food allergies. All of the fourth grade students who participated using my curriculum learned a lot about food allergies. They now know valuable information that can save lives such as the importance of reading ingredient labels, not sharing food, and refraining from bullying those with food allergies.

The Teach Teal: Food Allergy Awareness Program was created to teach students about food allergies. Food allergies affects so many people of all ages, backgrounds, and more, yet food allergies are not taught in schools. Since food allergies are not taught in schools, the severity of food allergies becomes undermined. More people need to be aware of what they can do to help, include, and support a person with food allergies and this education needs to start while children are young. The Teach Teal: Food Allergy Awareness curriculum will increase awareness and ensure that all students go out into the world knowledgable about food allergies and ready when they meet someone who lives with the daily challenges of food allergies.”

Teach Teal: Food Allergy Awareness is available at https://teachtealfoodallergyawareness.weebly.com/

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.


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