Food Allergy Hero of the Month: Maddy Katz

By Maddy Katz

I was spending my day off with my grandparents while working at a Sleepaway camp in Mukwonago WI, and we were having a nice time shopping and hanging out (it was my 21st birthday)! So I decided to try a glass of wine (red to be exact), and within seconds, I went into anaphylactic shock! My airways started closing, and hives all over. My grandma has 4 kids (who are adults), and has (now 4) grandkids who have food allergies, so she knew what to do and she always carries 2 epi-pens in her purse. It took both epi-pens BEFORE paramedics came to the scene! I was diagnosed with food allergies to nuts that night along with other things. ☹️ I finished out the summer at camp, as my camp is NUT FREE! I do not let my food allergies or my medical conditions slow me down in any way shape or form it just takes extra planning!!

I have been to 13 countries SINCE diagnosed and have NEVER let (or will) let food allergies (or my other medical conditions) slow me down! If I can do it, so can you!

Red Sneakers For Oakley was the first organization I found out about when I was in the hospital after being diagnosed, SO thankful my grandma knew what what to do, or I might not be here to tell my story!

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.

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