How To Safely Enjoy a Holiday Feast

The holidays get everyone excited, be it children or adults. The prospect of gifts under the tree, parties and celebrations with family and friends, and the opportunity to enjoy a holiday feast!

But this same feast can become a challenge for people with food allergies, especially when eating away from home. It's not easy trusting someone else to do the cooking when you have food allergies that can potentially lead to anaphylaxis. But partying away from home does not have to be a scary affair.

These tips by @kidswithfoodallergies can help you celebrate the holidays safely and have a wonderful time with your family and friends.

▪️Offer to work with the host to create a safe menu.
▪️ Talk with the host about foods that will be served, your child’s allergies, and any necessary safety precautions.
▪️ If possible, have the host adjust the recipe slightly to make it safe.
▪️ Offer to prepare the food with the host and to help with label reading and preventing cross-contact.
▪️ Help your host prepare and cook safe meals first. Seal them and set aside. Then make unsafe foods.
▪️ Bring with you a few “safe” food dishes to share with the rest of the family.
▪️ Ask the host to use separate serving utensils for each dish. Be careful not to mix them up.
▪️ Help your host wash all prep areas and eating areas with a paper towel and commercial cleaner. (Sponges and rags can be a source of allergens.)
▪️ Plate your child’s food before everyone else and keep “safe” foods separated from unsafe foods to avoid cross-contact.
▪️ Pack lots of safe snacks and desserts for your child.
▪️ Depending on your child’s age, you may want him/her seated close to you during the meal.
▪️ Keep wipes handy for hand cleaning and washing.

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.

Reduce Anxiety Around Holiday Eating


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