Reduce Anxiety Around Holiday Eating
Don't let food allergies dampen your party spirit during holiday gatherings. Here are a few tips:
🎄 Communicate with your host; remind your host of your food allergies before you go; you could even help your host with the planning, shopping, and cooking
🎄If possible, you be the host
🎄If you’re not the host, bring your own safe meal or eat a filling meal before you go
🎄Watch what you drink; mixed drinks could contain your allergen
🎄Not a time to experiment; stick to what is safe or carry your own food
🎄To avoid cross-contact, serve yourself first
🎄Encourage your host to label all allergy-friendly foods
🎄Always carry TWO epinephrine auto-injectors and make sure that at least one other person at the gathering knows how to use it