Red Sneaker Day Spotlight With Kyle Dine

Red Sneaker Days provides a “day” when everyone wears their red sneakers/shoes (or anything red) and participates together to raise awareness for the dangers of food allergies. The goal is not only to increase education and awareness to the communities of those suffering with food allergies, but just as importantly, to educate those who are not directly affected by them.

Palm Beach Day Academy (PBDA), a West Palm Beach school local to Red Sneakers for Oakley headquarters, has dedicated May 20th to food allergy awareness and education for many years now. On May 20, 2024 (International Red Sneakers Day) every PBDA student and faculty put on their red sneakers and celebrated food allergy awareness in a whole new way!

Kyle Dine, food allergy educational performer, joined Red Sneakers for Oakley for two performances at PBDA to help celebrate IRSD. Kyle utilized music, puppets, and his own personal journey with food allergies to connect with the students of PBDA and teach them the importance of taking food allergies seriously while singing and having fun!

Following the student assemblies, local Allergist Dr. Elena Perez hosted a presentation at the school for staff and parents to ask questions and learn more about how to manage their child’s food allergies.

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.

Allergy Friendly BBQ Cooking Class With The Allergy Dragon


Why Food Allergy Awareness Month Is So Important