Red Sneaker Day Spotlight With Kyle Dine
Kyle Dine teamed up with RSFO to bring his food allergy assembly tour to Palm Beach Day Academy…

Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Ariella Feteke
RSFO Ambassador and teacher hosted a Red Sneaker Day at her school…

Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Kelly Elementary School
Kelly Elementary School celebrated Food Allergy Awareness Week with the whole school…

Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Noelle Nelson
Ambassador, Noelle Nelson, hosted a Red Sneaker Day at her local elementary school. Here’s what she did…

Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Scarlett Staruch
Scarlett hosted a Red Sneaker Day at her school to teach her classmates about food allergies…

Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Makena Bactat
Red Sneaker Ambassador, Makena, created a food allergy awareness curriculum for 4th graders…