Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Kelly Elementary School
Red Sneaker Days provides a “day” when everyone wears their red sneakers/shoes (or anything red) and participates together to raise awareness for the dangers of food allergies. The goal is not only to increase education and awareness to the communities of those suffering with food allergies, but just as importantly, to educate those who are not directly affected by them.
Kelly Elementary School has been dedicated to food allergy awareness every May for many years now due to the advocacy and dedication of Mary Quiroz. This year, the school participated by having the 5th grade students read a food allergy children’s books to the younger classes, creating food allergy awareness signs in art class, and participating in a food allergy march around their campus. The 5th grade help conduct a fundraiser by selling RSFO bracelets and donating the proceeds back to RSFO. Each day leading up to the Food Allergy March, students and staff learned different food allergy facts.