Staying Food Allergy Safe While Drinking Alcohol

Drinking to keep up and fit in or trying to avoid an awkward situation by refusing to have some drinks, can be a challenge for anyone, but it can often be particularly stressful for people with food allergies. Individuals with food allergies should be in control of their situation so they can have a good handle on their actions and choices. This control can be harder when drinking.

Wondering how drinking out with friends or family can turn into a risky situation for you?

Here's why it can be an issue:

1️⃣ First, if you’ve had a few drinks and you’re not thinking clearly, it can be more difficult to identify the symptoms of anaphylaxis, and to know whether you need epinephrine or not.

2️⃣ Second, the actual act of administering epinephrine, should you need to inject yourself, can be complicated by any loss of motor functions caused by intoxication.

3️⃣ Third, alcohol can impact the effectiveness of epinephrine.

This is not to say that food-allergic individuals should never consume alcohol, for fear of a reaction. The easiest solution during situation where there is drinking is to be a good advocate for yourself.

Tell people that you don’t feel comfortable drinking past a certain point, and people will almost always respect that, particularly if they’re people you know. And if they don’t respect that, well — you probably shouldn’t be friends with them.

Simply put, people with food allergies should take these facts into consideration and use them when they consider their limits and how much alcohol they want to drink at a given time.

Are You Confused About Which Alcohol Is Safe For You?

Did you know that many beers contain wheat, gins are flavored with nuts, some vodkas are made with wheat, while others are made with potatoes or other grains? No, this information is not to scare you or discourage you from drinking alcohol. But it always helps to be safe, especially if you are not aware of whether you are allergic to a particular drink.

As everyone with food allergies knows, it’s great to have trusty go-tos. You know what you’re getting. Once you’ve identified what you like, you’ll be able to confidently go out for drinks. Here are some tips to help you while choosing a drink:

  • Take some time to look up the ingredients of major base alcohols. Check common mixers and liqueurs to see whether they contain any of your allergens.

  • Be sure to always ask specifically for what you want — bartenders and waiters are used to it because people often have preferences on particular alcohol brands or preparations.

  • Always read menus carefully because some restaurants and bars will add non-traditional ingredients. When you see something on a menu that you don’t understand, ask!

  • Inquire about cross-contact — a blender or shaker may not have been washed properly, leaving allergen residue. Remember that cross-contact can occur with drink stirrers, shakers, and other utensils used to mix drinks as also with condiments like slices of lime or orange.

Always drink responsibly and enjoy!


Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.

Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Emily and Justin


Food Allergy Hero of the Month: Tatum Smith