Staying Food Allergy Safe While Drinking Alcohol
Here are some tips to keep you safe while drinking with a food allergy…

Food Allergy Hero of the Month: Jason Lightfritz
Jason loves wearing his Oakley shoes for food allergy awareness…

Tips On Saving Money Buying Groceries With Food Allergies
Grocery shopping with food allergies is expensive! Here are some tips that can help you keep your grocery bills low…

Managing Food Allergens in the Kitchen
When you prepare food for someone with a food allergy, you should keep the following in mind…

Label-Reading Tips To Make Sure All Your Food Is Safe
Deciphering labels can be tricky, but here are a few label-reading tips to make sure all your food is safe…

Food Allergy Hero of the Month: Rebecca Wachen
Rebecca is a Red Sneaker Ambassador. She shares her journey at Southern California Food Allergy Institute (SCFAI)…

Looking for Some Peanut or Tree Nut Alternatives?
Here are 3 alternatives for peanuts and tree nuts…

4 Ways To Be Food-Allergy Safe On A Picnic
Whether you're on an outdoor date or celebrating a family reunion, picnics can pose challenges and risks for individuals with food allergies.