Proper Body Positioning for Anaphylaxis
It’s important to know how to position a person having a severe allergic reaction…
3 Steps To Follow at the Early Signs of Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis
Do these 3 things if experiencing exercise-induced anaphylaxis…
Is It Safe To Use Epinephrine During Pregnancy
Here are some cases of epinephrine administration on pregnant women…
6 Key Steps To Do In Case of a Home Anaphylaxis Emergency
Here are 6 things to do in case you have an anaphylactic emergency at home…
Even Trace Amounts of Food Allergen Can Cause a Reaction
This is why trace amounts of food can cause a reaction…
Recognizing Anaphylactic Reactions
Do you know how to recognize an anaphylactic reaction? If not, here's what you need to know…
Can You Die From Anaphylaxis In Your Sleep?
This question is not to scare you but to create awareness about how anaphylaxis can strike many hours after exposure and how rapidly it can turn fatal…
Are You Prepared for Anaphylaxis?
Do you know exactly what to do if you or someone else starts experiencing an anaphylactic reaction?