5 Ways to Take Care of Your Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
Here are 5 things you should know to keep your epinephrine in optimal condition…

Proper Body Positioning for Anaphylaxis
It’s important to know how to position a person having a severe allergic reaction…

Partner Spotlight: PracMedic Bags
Stuart and Annie share how their son’s food allergies led to the creation of PracMedic Bags…

3 Steps To Follow at the Early Signs of Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis
Do these 3 things if experiencing exercise-induced anaphylaxis…

Is It Safe To Use Epinephrine During Pregnancy
Here are some cases of epinephrine administration on pregnant women…

Managing Medications With Food Allergies
Here are some tips to help you manage your medications with food allergies…

Do All Epi Auto-Injectors Carry the Same Epinephrine?
There are many different brands of auto-injectors. Do they all carry the same epinephrine?

Do This If Your Health Insurance Denies Access To Life Saving Epinephrine
Here are some tips if your health insurance denies access to epinephrine…

What To Do After Administering Epinephrine To Your Child
For the safety and well-being of your child, you should do the following 4 important things after the first epinephrine shot is given…