What Is the Triple Check?
You should always be doing the Triple Check when grocery shopping with food allergies…
Do Your Food Allergies Make You Feel Like a Burden, Embarrassed, or Guilty?
You should never be made to feel embarrassed or guilty about your food allergies…
Can You Die From Anaphylaxis In Your Sleep?
This question is not to scare you but to create awareness about how anaphylaxis can strike many hours after exposure and how rapidly it can turn fatal…
What Causes Adult Onset Food Allergies?
You've never reacted to any food ever, and you've eaten these foods your whole life, so what's going on?
Food Allergy Developments on the Horizon
Do you know about these new food allergy treatments currently in development…
1 In 3 Children Is Bullied Because Of Their Food Allergies
Did you know that 1 in 3 children are bullied because of their food allergy…
Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Hemali Gauri
Hemali hosted a Red Sneaker Day at her school by selling RSFO keychains…
Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Gulf Stream School
Red Sneaker Ambassadors at Gulf Stream School hosted a Red Sneaker Day to teach their classmates about their food allergies…
Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Allergic Emma
Allergic Emma hosted her 2nd Annual Food Allergy Meetup…
International Red Sneakers Day 2023
International Red Sneakers Day in West Palm Beach was a huge success…
Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Sea Girt
Sea Girt Elementary hosted their annual Walk for Food Allergy Awareness…
Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: St. George’s School
Olivia, Oakley’s twin sister, hosted a Red Sneaker Day at her school…
Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Kelly Elementary
Kelly Elementary hosted a Red Sneaker Day for the 6th year in a row…
Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Crosspointe Elementary
Crosspointe Elementary hosted a Red Sneaker Day to spread food allergy awareness…
Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Carolyn Vernon
Carolyn hosted a Red Sneaker Day at her school for food allergy awareness…
Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Palm Beach Day Academy
Palm Beach Day Academy hosted an assembly with RSFO and expert allergists to teach food allergy awareness…
5 Things To Know About Out Growing Food Allergies
Here’s 5 things to know about outgrowing food allergies…
Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Hugh Wilson
Red Sneaker Ambassador, Hugh, hosted a Red Sneaker Day at his school. Here’s what he did to spread food allergy awareness…
Why Food Allergy Awareness Month Is So Important
Here are a few reasons why Food Allergy Awareness Month is so important…